Eric Lighthall

Goblin Stocks

A web service providing real-time historical data on the WoW token price.

Goblin Stocks

Goblin stocks is a web service which provides historical and up-to-date WoW token pricing, allowing for more informed investing decisions when buying WoW token.

Key Features

  • Token prices updated every 30 minutes.
  • Thousands of token records.
  • Market trend analysis and investing predictions.

Project Overview

Goblin Stocks is a web application built using the Node.js runtime and the Express framework, leveraging MongoDB for data storage. It offers users CRUD functionalities to interact with World of Warcraft token price data, along with historical pricing trends and predictive analytics.

Features and Functionality

Real-Time Data Fetching

Goblin Stocks retrieves the latest WoW token prices directly from the World of Warcraft (WoW) API, ensuring up-to-date market data. Each fetched data point is timestamped to track historical changes accurately.

Data Storage

The fetched data is stored in MongoDB, a flexible and high-performance NoSQL database. This setup facilitates efficient data management and quick retrieval, critical for the application's real-time requirements.

Data Presentation

Using D3.js, the application presents the WoW token prices in dynamic, interactive graphs. This visualization allows users to easily comprehend and analyze the trends in token prices over various time frames.

Trend Analysis

Goblin Stocks analyzes historical data of WoW token prices stored in MongoDB to identify patterns and trends in the market. This analysis provides users with insights into potential future movements, aiding in informed decision-making.

Site Showcase


Displayed above snapshots of the historical WoW token price graphs on April 14, 2024, for the past 24 hours (left) and the past week (right).

Open Source

All the code for the Goblin Stocks is openly available on GitHub, promoting transparency and collaboration. Visit the repository to explore the code, contribute, or fork the project for your own use: GitHub Repository.

Want to get in touch?

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