Eric Lighthall

Eric Lighthall

Software Engineer
I'm a software engineer specialized in frontend and backend development for web applications. Want to know more about me? Check out my project portfolio and online resume.

What I do

I specialize in web development with a solid background in coding across different environments. With 5 years of experience, I’ve developed a robust skill set in a range of technologies. Below is a quick overview of my main technical skill sets and technologies I use. Check out my projects and learn more in my online resume and project portfolio.

Vanilla JavaScript

Crafting efficient interactive web elements using core JavaScript. Specializing in DOM manipulation and cross-browser compatibility without frameworks.


Experienced in building scalable, high-performance back-end solutions and web applications with Node.js and the Express framework.


Implemented TLS protocol, demonstrating proficiency in network programming. Exploring Go's potential for efficient, concurrent server-side applications.

Python & Django

Proficient in data structures and algorithms. Experienced with academic applications and beginning exploring machine learning with PyTorch.


Developing interactive front-end applications with React. Specializing in component-based architecture, state management, hooks, and seamless integration with RESTful APIs.

C# & Unity

Developed games using C# in Unity. Experienced with MonoBehaviour for script lifecycle management, GameObject manipulation, and Unity's event functions.


Structuring and styling responsive, accessible web interfaces. Ensuring cross-browser compatibility and performance optimization.


Applied Java in academic settings for data structures and algorithms. Familiar with core Java concepts and problem-solving techniques.